Batcombe Allotments
In 2008 the Parish Council was asked if it could provide allotments for parishioners in Batcombe. In total a dozen parishioners expressed an interest in renting an allotment and so the Council began searching for a suitable site that could be leased and was eventually offered the current site in Eastcombe with room for ten allotments.
Thanks to a grant from our County Councillor's Local Initiatives Budget and with the help of a number of dedicated volunteers the Council was able to establish the allotments by May 2009 with the allotments being officially opened by our then County Councillor, Gloria Cawood, on Sunday September 27th 2009.
In May 2021 the Parish Council agreed a new four-year lease for the allotments field.
The rent is £35 a year for an allotment. Anyone from Batcombe, or one of our neighbouring parishes, interested in taking on an allotment should contact the Clerk. There is now one vacant allotment.
Allotment Holders Agreement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [162.9 KB]