Batcombe Heritage Centre
Are you looking for information about your Family History, or interested in the history of the Batcombe area? Then you might like to visit the Batcombe
Heritage Centre.
The Centre is situated in the Old School building adjacent to the Jubilee Hall and is open every Saturday from 10.30am to 12.30pm, when one of the Trustees will always be present to welcome you and show you the resources available.
To use the Heritage Centre at other times please contact Audrey Sage on 01749 850311 or via e-mail to arrange a mutually convenient time when a Trustee can be present.
To cover running costs of the Heritage Centre those wishing to visit may like to make a suggested donation of £1 an hour or £10 a year. In addition any printing or photocopying will be charged at 5p per black and white A4 copy and 15p per colour A4 copy. [Items belonging to the Parish Council may be viewed free of charge.]
All visitors are asked to sign in the Visitors Book.
No items may be borrowed from the Heritage Centre.
No food or drink may be consumed in the Heritage Centre.
No dogs are allowed in the Heritage Centre.
Visitors are asked to take great care in handling items in the Heritage Centre and to understand that some items are too fragile to be handled on a regular basis.
We thank you for your understanding that some restrictions are necessary to
preserve the content of the Heritage Centre for future generations.
The Trustees
The Heritage Centre is run by three "Trustees",
one is the representative of the Parish Council and the other two are volunteers.
The Heritage Centre is not a separate Trust but comes
under the umbrella of the Village Hall Trust.