Events in BATCOMBE

Below there is more information about selected events in Batcombe.  Please contact us via the contact form if you would like more details of any of the events listed and we will forward your request to the relevant person.   


This Week:


Next Week:


Batcombe & District Horticultural Show

Date: Saturday 3rd August 2024

Time: 2.00pm

Venue: The Jubilee Hall, Batcombe 

The annual Horticultural Show.  Details of Classes and how to enter can be found on the web site:  Entry by e-mail Monday July 22nd to Thursday August 1st or in person on Thursday August 1st, 5.00pm to 8.00pm in the south porch of Batcombe Church.  You can download the Show Schedule and Entry Form from the web site. 


Burger Night

Date: Saturday 3rd August 2024

Time: 7.00pm

Venue: The Jubilee Hall, Batcombe 

Burger & Chips £12; Halloumi Burger & Chips £12; Chips £2.  Pre-book your place with Karen - see the Parish News for contact details.  

Forthcoming Events:


Breakfast / Brunch

Date: Saturday 10th August 2024

Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm

Venue: The Jubilee Hall, Batcombe 

Hosted by Lilly Willcox for her silver DofE.  All proceeds to Promise Works.  


Batcombe Village Fete

Date: Sunday 25th August 2024

Time: 2.00pm - 6.00pm

Venue: The King George V Playing Field, Batcombe 

Bar - Barbecue - Coconut Shy - Skittles - Tombola - Pimms - Cake & Home Produce - Dog Show - Children's Races - Bale Tossing - Tug of War - Face Painting - Granny Wainwrights - Raffle - Birds of Prey - Church Towner Visits and more.  To ensure safe preparation and clear up, the Playing Field will be closed from 9.00am on the Saturday until 2.00pm on the Monday.   


September Parish Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday 4th September 2024

Time: 8.00pm

Venue: The Old School, Batcombe 

The monthly meeting of Batcombe Parish Council.  Members of the public are welcome to attend and the Agenda can be downloaded from the Minutes and Agendas page a week before the meeting.