Parish Councillors' Declarations of Interest
The Localism Act requires that Parish Councillors' Register of Interest Declaration forms are published on the Parish Council's website as well as the District Council's website.
Councillor Jayne Cox - Declaration of Interests
Jayne Cox - Declaration of Interests 202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [15.5 MB]
Jayne Cox - Declaration of Interests 202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [15.5 MB]
Councillor Peter Glaisher - Declaration of Interests
Peter Glaisher - Declaration of Interest[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [442.4 KB]
Peter Glaisher - Declaration of Interest[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [442.4 KB]
Councillor Bryony Harling - Declaration of Interests
Bryony Harling - Declaration of Interest[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
Bryony Harling - Declaration of Interest[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
Councillor Janet Jones - Declaration of Interests
Janet Jones - Declaration of Interests 2[...]
PDF File [2.5 MB]
Janet Jones - Declaration of Interests 2[...]
PDF File [2.5 MB]
Councillor Clare Kingston - Declaration of Interests
Clare Kingston - Declaration of Interest[...]
PDF File [4.0 MB]
Clare Kingston - Declaration of Interest[...]
PDF File [4.0 MB]
Councillor Tom Price - Declaration of Interests
Tom Price - Declaration of Interests 202[...]
PDF File [1.2 MB]
Tom Price - Declaration of Interests 202[...]
PDF File [1.2 MB]
Councillor Ian Sage - Declaration of Interests
Ian Sage - Declaration of Interests 2022[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [4.2 MB]
Ian Sage - Declaration of Interests 2022[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [4.2 MB]