Planning Applications 2016
Listed below are the planning applications in Batcombe that the Parish Council was consulted on in 2016 - the most recent first. For applications in other years click on the appropriate page in the panel to the left.
More details about each application can be found on the District Council's website. Just click on the Planning Application Search button below and then enter the application number in the field and press the "Search" button.
Application Number |
Location | Description |
Parish Council Response |
Status |
2016/1657 |
The Stables Crows Hill Batcombe |
Convert and extend stable building for use as holiday accommodation | Recommend Refusal |
Refused 19/10/16 Appeal allowed |
2016/2900 |
Batch Orchard Back Lane Batcombe |
Works TPO Trees T1 Horse Chestnut endweight reduce east side by 2m large included fork minimize weight. T2 Beech fell poor unions at ground level. |
Leave decision to Tree Officer |
Approved 2/3/17 |
2016/2705 |
Donegal Cottage Kale Street Batcombe |
Extension to existing residential dwelling |
Recommend Approval |
Application Withdrawn |
2016/2706 |
Donegal Cottage Kale Street Batcombe |
Listed Building Consent Extension to existing residential dwelling |
Recommend Approval |
Application Withdrawn |
2016/2437 |
The Cottage Holly Hill Batcombe |
Demolition of existing garage and retaining wall. Erection of new utility room and cycle store, rebuilding of retaining wall. Replacement of windows to east and south elevations. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 16/11/16 |
2016/1811 |
Carrot Hill Farmhouse Spargrove Lane Batcombe |
Retrospective: Erection of replacement dwelling (amended from that approved under permission 2011/0075) to include retention of plantroom outbuilding and alterations to main roof to include the installation of roof lights | Recommend Refusal |
Approved 22/12/16 |
2016/2153 |
Batcombe Village Hall Back Lane Batcombe |
Tree Works in a CA Ash (T1) fell to ground level. |
Recommend Approval |
No Objection 31/10/16 |
2016/2137 |
Honeycliff Cottages Honeycliff Batcombe |
Proposed single storey extension |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 4/10/16 |
2016/1936 |
Batcombe Lodge Batcombe BA4 6BZ |
Application for the removal of condition 2 ("the proposed barn conversion hereby approved shall not be sold off or leased separately from the main farmhouse") from planning permission 067016/002 |
Recommend Refusal |
Condition Withdrawn 7/2/17 |
2016/1874 |
Cedar Lodge Baileys Lane Westcombe |
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an activity in breach of planning condition 6 (employed in local agriculture) on planning permission 067508. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 6/10/16 |
2016/1849 |
Laburnum Cottage Westcombe |
Listed Building Consent Take down and rebuild boundary garden wall as per existing. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 16/9/16 |
2016/1704 |
Turret House Church Farm Batcombe BA4 6HD |
Construction of a shed/greenhouse |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 1/9/16 |
2016/1657 |
The Stables Crows Hill Batcombe |
Convert and extend stable building for use as holiday accommodation |
Recommend Refusal |
Refused 19/10/16 |
2016/1343 |
Beeches Farm 'Lodge Road' Batcombe |
Erection of garage side extension |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 7/7/16 |
2016/0946 |
Cherry Cottage Westcombe BA4 6ER |
Installation of a new window on the first floor east elevation |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 1/6/16 |
2016/0476 |
South View Kale Street Batcombe BA4 6AB |
Listed Building Consent Change of use of single room within dwelling from A1 to dwelling; change of use of single dwelling back to two separate dwellings. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 19/4/16 |
2016/0475 |
South View Kale Street Batcombe BA4 6AB |
Change of use of single room within dwelling from A1 to dwelling; change of use of single dwelling back to two separate dwellings. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 19/4/16 |
2016/0129 |
The Forge Chapel Row Batcombe |
Tree Works in a CA Proposed works to T1 and T3 Prunus sp - crown reduce by 1-2m and shape; T2, T4 and G1 all Prunus sp: Fell. |
Recommend Approval |
No Objection 9/3/16 |
2016/0074 |
Carrot Hill Farmhouse Spargrove Lane Batcombe |
Variation of Conditions Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 2011/0075 to allow the development to be constructed to Level 4 in the Code for Sustainable Homes |
Recommend Refusal |
Approved 17/8/16 |