Planning Applications 2017
Listed below are the planning applications in Batcombe that the Parish Council was consulted on in 2017 - the most recent first. For applications in other years click on the appropriate page in the panel to the left.
More details about each application can be found on the District Council's website. Just click on the Planning Application Search button below and then enter the application number in the field and press the "Search" button.
Application Number |
Location | Description |
Parish Council Response |
Status |
2017/3363 |
Holly Hill House Holly Hill Batcombe |
Proposed detached double garage with adjoining ground floor studio and further studio space on first floor over garage |
Recommend Refusal |
Amended Application Approved 25/4/18 |
2017/2824 |
10 Kale Street Batcombe
Proposed single storey side extension and re-siting oil tank |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 8/12/17 |
2017/2764 |
The Old Barn Batcombe BA4 6HD |
Tree Works in a CA Proposed works include felling of Norway Maple, Goat Willow and Ash, clearance of Cherry Laurel, reducing three Monterey Cypresses to 4m, thinning of two groups of Beech and possible felling of a pear tree if it can't be saved. |
Recommend Approval |
No Objection 18/12/17 |
2017/2607 |
Donegal Cottage Kale Street Batcombe |
Listed Building Consent Extension to existing residential dwelling, associated demolition works and associated internal alterations |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 23/11/17 |
2017/2606 |
Donegal Cottage Kale Street Batcombe |
Extension to existing residential dwelling, associated demolition works and associated internal alterations |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 23/11/17 |
2017/2569 |
Chatley Barn Linch Lane Batcombe |
Construction of new detached single storey garage and construction of a new stairwell following demolition of part of existing rear lean-to |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 22/11/17 |
2017/2364 |
Holly Cottage Westcombe |
Erection of a two storey building which incorporates a garage at ground floor and a balcony | Recommend Refusal |
Approved 10/1/18 |
2017/2087 |
Lower Farm Horsehill Lane Batcombe |
The construction of an agricultural building to be used for the accommodation and feeding of dairy cows, with associated external concrete aprons, slurry reception pit and hedge and tree planting |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 2/11/17 |
2017/2086 |
Lower Farm Horsehill Lane Batcombe |
The construction of an agricultural building to be used for the accommodation and feeding of dairy cows, with associated external concrete aprons, slurry reception pit and hedge and tree planting |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 2/11/17 |
2017/1708 |
Batcombe Lodge Batcombe BA4 6BZ |
Listed Building Consent Masonry Works to Elevations |
Left decision to planning officer |
Approved 4/8/17 |
2016/1657 |
The Stables Crows Hill Batcombe |
Convert and extend stable building for use as holiday accommodation | Recommend Refusal |
Refused 19/10/16 Appeal allowed |
2017/1454 |
Spring Cottage Batcombe BA4 6HD |
Replace doors and windows, block 5 no. windows, insert new windows in garage, render block elevations and carry out internal alterations |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 9/8/17 |
2017/1190 |
Batcombe Lodge Batcombe BA4 6BZ |
Listed Building Consent Replacement windows |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 20/6/17 |
2017/1020 |
Ravenswood Baileys Lane Westcombe BA4 6EN |
Erection of first floor and single storey extensions to existing single storey dwelling and recladding of existing building fabric; new single storey pool house; and car port. | Approved before being considered by the Parish Council |
Approved 7/6/17 |
2017/0373 |
Batcombe Park (Valley View Farm) Batcombe BA4 6AJ |
Demolition of the existing dwelling and outbuildings (2 retained) and a single replacement dwelling. |
Withdrawn before being considered |
Withdrawn 20/4/17 |
2017/0434 |
The Weavers House Kale Street Batcombe BA4 6AB |
Tree Works in a CA Acer (T1) - fell because tree has substantial die back from crown to ground level ... |
Decision left to Tree Officer |
No Objection 24/3/17 |
2017/0227 |
Elm House Kale Street Batcombe BA4 6AB |
Listed Building Consent Conversion of barn for residential accommodation, reinstatement of adjacent shed (part-demolished) to provide a kitchen, and opening a blocked doorway to link the two buildings. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 19/4/17 |
2017/0221 |
Pastoral Millards Hill Batcombe BA4 6AE |
Tree Works in a CA T1 Willow Fell to ground level |
Recommend Approval |
No Objection 10/3/17 |
2017/0220 |
Netherlea Back Lane Batcombe BA4 6HE |
Tree Works in a CA T1 Pine. Fell to ground level. T2 and T3 Acers to 2m and shape. |
Recommend Approval |
No Objection 2/3/17 |
2017/0072 |
Batch Orchard Back Lane Batcombe |
Tree Works in a CA Fell T2 Beech. |
Leave decision to Tree Officer |
No Objection 8/2/17 |