Planning Applications 2022
Listed below are the planning applications in Batcombe that the Parish Council was consulted on in 2022 - the most recent first. For applications in other years click on the appropriate page in the panel to the left.
More details about each application can be found on the District Council's website. Just click on the Planning Application Search button below and then enter the application number in the field and press the "Search" button.
Application Number |
Location | Description |
Parish Council Response |
Status |
2022/2462 |
Little Acre Batcombe |
Erection of outhouse study | Recommend Refusal |
Approved 10/5/23 |
2022/2437 |
Churchill Cottage Crows Hill Batcombe |
Proposed single storey rear extension to dwelling and associated alterations | Recommend Refusal |
Approved 1/3/23 |
2022/2329 |
Batcombe House Gold Hill Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA T1 - Sycamore - Fell |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 20/1/23 |
2022/2328 |
Batcombe House Gold Hill Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA Ash trees x2 - Fell |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 20/1/23 |
2022/2172 |
Donegal Cottage Kale Street Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA Fell 1 Cherry Tree |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 16/12/22 |
2022/2084 |
Romsey Cottage Kale Street Batcombe BA4 6AB |
Listed Building Consent Minor alterations to the property to include repairing boundary wall and internal alterations |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 14/4/23 |
2022/1929 |
Strawberry Cottage, Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA T1 (Eucalyptus) - Fell |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 8/10/22 |
2022/1479 |
Batcombe Playing Field Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA M1 - Oak - Reduce by 2-3m all over |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 2/9/22 |
2022/1307 |
Giles Cottage Batcombe |
Erection of single storey front extension following demolition of existing conservatory | Recommend Approval |
Approved 24/8/22 |
2022/1309 |
The Three Horseshoes Batcombe |
Variation or Removal of Conditions Application to vary condition 2 (drawings) of planning approval 2018/0450/FUL to drawing 1820/P/06. To amend the design of the building to better suit the needs of the refurbished pub replacing ‘as proposed’ elements of the drawings with new ‘as proposed’ drawings as shown on new drawing 1820/P/06 |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 29/7/22 |
2022/1052 |
Kings Hayes Gold Hill Batcombe |
Listed Building Consent Installation of replacement glazing, roof lights, one additional roof light, one window to North West elevation and internal alterations including replacement staircase, creation of ensuite bathroom, demolition of modern partition walls, reinstatement of doorway and creation of new doorway. |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 25/8/22 |
2022/1051 |
Kings Hayes Gold Hill Batcombe |
Installation of replacement glazing, roof lights, one additional roof light, one window to North West elevation and internal alterations including replacement staircase, creation of ensuite bathroom, demolition of modern partition walls, reinstatement of doorway and creation of new doorway. | Recommend Approval |
Approved 25/8/22 |
2022/0758 |
Mill Cottage Mill Lane Batcombe |
Erection of part two storey, part single story extension on site of existing single storey extension (to be demolished) and replacement of mono-pitched roof with a dual pitched roof. | Recommend Refusal |
Approved 14/10/22 |
2022/0629 |
Lodge Farm Lodge Farm Lane Batcombe |
Listed Building Consent Alterations to main house, conversion of barn and dairy to ancillary accommodation, demolition of cottage and works to remaining outbuildings |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 30/11/22 |
2022/0472 |
Batcombe House Gold Hill Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA Ash (T1) - Fell |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 8/4/22 |
2022/0413 |
Lodge Farm Lodge Farm Lane Batcombe |
Alterations to main house, conversion of barn and dairy to ancillary accommodation, demolition of cottage and works to remaining outbuildings | Recommend Approval |
Approved 30/11/22 |
2022/0375 |
Stonecot Batcombe |
Creation of driveway, hardstanding, turning and parking area |
Recommend Approval |
Withdrawn 6/6/22 |
2022/0342 |
Ivy Wall House Back Lane Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA T1 - Norway Maple Reduce x 1m allover |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 5/4/22 |
2022/0239 |
The Three Horseshoes, Batcombe |
Variation or Removal of Conditions Application to vary condition 2 (drawings) of planning approval |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 28/4/22 |
2022/0138 |
Little Court Gold Hill Batcombe |
Works/Felling Trees in a CA T1 - Sycamore - fell to ground level T2 - Yew - reduce to approx. 4m in height |
Recommend Approval |
Approved 10/3/22 |